Treatment with V wt vaccinated mice Igs was not effective on cell proliferation. Trastuzumab, a monoclonal antibodies to p185, was shown to induce down regulation of p185 receptor on cell membrane, to block its function by hampering the formation of homodimers and heterodimers and ligand binding. The ability of purified Igs from vaccinated mice to induce down regulation of p185 Neu was inves tigated by immunofluorescence and deconvolution ana lysis of immunolabeled SALTO cells. SALTO cells were stained with rV neuT purified Igs, then with a goat anti mouse fluorescent antibody and incubated for 1 hour at 37 C in a CO2 incubator in complete medium. As shown in Figure 4, Panel C, Igs from rV neuT vaccinated mice were able to induce down regulation of the p185 Neu re ceptor e pressed on the cell surface of SALTO cells.
MAP kinases, ERK1 and ERK2, are activated by ErbB2 Neu receptor and trans duce proliferation signals. Given that chronic treatment with 108 pfu rV neuT Igs was able to specifically inhibit SALTO cell growth, we investigated whether phosphor ylation of ERK1 ERK2 in SALTO cells was affected by rV neuT Igs treatment. V wt purified Igs were used as control. The amount of phosphorylated ERK1 and ERK2 proteins were compared to total ERK proteins. The level of total ERK1 2 did not change after 108 pfu rV neuT or V wt purified Igs treatment. Conversely, phosphorylation of ERK1 was significantly inhibited by 108 pfu rV neuT Igs as compared to V wt Igs treatment. pERK2 was only slightly inhibited.
To determine whether anti Neu Igs were able to trig ger apoptosis, SALTO cells were labeled with anti T cell immune response induced by rV neuT vaccination Splenocytes isolated from mice vaccinated with rV neuT or V wt after the final boost, were e amined for their abil ity to proliferate under various Neu peptides. Release of IL 2 and IFN AV-951 was measured in the supernatant to assess T cell immunoreactivity with specific Neu epitopes. Re sults are reported in Table 4. All analyzed Neu peptides, e cept for an unrelated gag peptide, were able to specific ally activate splenocytes from rV neuT immunized BALB neuT mice. ConA was used as positive control. However, the e tent of IL 2 and IFN release was dependent on the stimulating Neu peptide. The strongest IL 2 release was observed upon stimulation with r41 and r98 peptides which are located in the e tracellular domain of rat Neu sequence.
Lower IL 2 release was observed upon stimulation with r166 and r156 peptides located in the transmembrane and e tracellular domains, respectively, or with r15. 3 and r141 peptides. These latter are located in the e tracellular domain. The strongest IFN release was de tected upon stimulation with r166 and r141 peptides. High levels of IFN were also obtained upon r15. 3 and r98 pep tides.