Extensive research has been performed over the years to investiga

Extensive research has been performed over the years to investigate why humans choose one particular manner of performing a task out of the infinite number possible. Initially, this has focused on reaching trajectories that tend to exhibit roughly straight-line paths with bell-shaped speed profiles, although certain movements have some path curvature depending on gravitational constraints (Atkeson and Hollerbach, 1985) or visual feedback (Wolpert et al., 1994). The majority of planning models have been placed within the framework of optimizing a cost. The idea is that a scalar value, termed cost, is associated with

each way of achieving a task, allowing all possible solutions to be ranked and the one Proteasome activity with the lowest cost selected. Different costs then make different predictions

about the movement trajectory. For example, models that have been able to account for behavioral data include minimizing the rate of change of acceleration of the hand—the so-called minimum jerk model (Flash and Hogan, 1985)—or minimizing the rates of change of torques at the joints—the minimum torque change model (Uno et al., 1989). In these models, the end result is a desired movement. Although noise and environmental disturbances can act to disturb this process, the role of feedback is simply to return the movement back to this desired trajectory. BMN 673 Although able no to account for many features of the empirical trajectories, these models have several features that make them somewhat unattractive in terms of explanatory power. First, it is not clear why the sensorimotor systems should care about costs such as the jerkiness of the hand. Second, even if it did, to optimize this would require measurement of third derivatives of positional information, and for this

to be summed over the movement is not a trivial computation. Third, these models often do not provide information as to what should happen in a redundant system because they only specify endpoint trajectories. Finally, it is hard to generalize these models to arbitrary tasks such as a tennis serve. In an effort to reexamine trajectory control and counter these four problems, a model was developed based on the assumption that there was one key element limiting motor performance, i.e., noise. In particular, motor noise over a reasonable range of motor activity is signal dependent, with the standard deviation of the noise scaling with the mean level of the signal—a constant coefficient of variation. Therefore, for faster, more forceful movements, the noise is greater than for slow movements, naturally leading to the speed-accuracy trade-off.

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