Future studies may seek to extend the duration of the sitting trials to examine the fatigue effect on trunk motion during active sitting. Examining activations of profound core muscles via indwelling electromyography during active sitting is also necessary to determine which core muscles are used to adjust trunk posture. Other aspects that may be considered include: whether sitting on an air-cushion or ball will provide relief or exacerbate symptoms in individuals currently experiencing low-back pain; the minimum duration and frequency of time an individual should spend sitting on an unstable surface to offset the risk of low-back pain; and repeating the study with male participants
to see if results are similar for both sexes. Increasing sitting compliance leads to increased trunk motion. The subtle
trunk motion selleck screening library presented http://www.selleckchem.com/screening/anti-cancer-compound-library.html during active sitting on air-cushion could play a role in reducing low-back conditions. Individuals with occupations requiring prolonged sitting should consider active sitting as a means for maintaining and promoting low-back health. “
“The cardiopulmonary exercise test is a well-established, non-invasive procedure that is used in the assessment of an individuals’ tolerance to exercise.1, 2 and 3 Field tests including the 6-min walk test (6MWT) are commonly used to estimate exercise capacity,4 whereby a reluctance or inability to perform a cardiopulmonary exercise test may exist.5 A standardised treadmill 6MWT (t-6MWT) is an alternative mode of this test that has been shown to provide constant patient monitoring.6 Where research has indicated that the marker of exercise intolerance is more closely related to activities of daily living, such as in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the 6MWT is being frequently used as a measure of functional capacity.7 Walking tests of this nature are less time consuming and are being increasingly employed where
access to elaborate equipment may not exist.8 As the test involves a familiar daily activity, it has been suggested to provide a more valid indication of the patients’ functional exercise status.9 and 10 Although various physiological indices can be measured, outcome Bumetanide measures, specifically the 6MWT distance (6MWD) has been shown to estimate prognosis amongst those with COPD.11 More recently, 6-min walk work (6MWW), the product of 6MWD and body mass, has demonstrated an improved ability to determine resting lung function and parameters of gas analysis than 6MWD alone in COPD.12 Accelerometry has been proposed as an effective tool in recording physical activity (PA) patterns within a free living environment amongst numerous populations13 and is gaining popularity amongst health care professionals and researchers alike.