If one eye is enucleated, interference from the other eye is eliminated, and small retinal waves are adequate to mediate retinotopic refinement even for ventral-temporal axons, as is selleck chemicals llc normally the case in the monocular zone of the SC/dLGN. In sum, the model fully recapitulates the anatomical phenotypes observed in untreated and enucleated β2(TG) mice and demonstrates how specific spatiotemporal patterns of spontaneous retinal waves can dictate the emergence of specific patterns of neuronal connectivity during development. There is a strong consensus
in the field that during late stages of development (particularly in mammals), sensory driven neural activity profoundly shapes neural circuit structure and function. For instance, manipulating sensory experience (e.g., through monocular deprivation) produces dramatic shifts in neural response properties and corresponding changes in neural circuits during “critical periods” of development (Morishita and Hensch, 2008). It is also generally accepted that even during early stages of development, neurons need to be active for the brain to develop normally (Spitzer, 2006). However, it remains remarkably controversial whether this early neuronal activity acts in a
passive way by triggering downstream cellular signaling pathways to promote cell survival and neurite outgrowth (potentially through Ca2+ signaling) or in an instructive way, guiding neural circuit formation through specific spatiotemporal patterns of neural activity (Crair, 1999, Crowley and Katz, 2000, Aldehyde_oxidase Huberman et al., 2008, Chalupa, see more 2009 and Feller, 2009). Patterns of spontaneous neuronal activity
(“waves”) have been described in a wide range of brain structures during early development, including the retina, thalamus, cortex, hippocampus, striatum, and spinal cord (Feller, 1999). Still, nowhere has it been established whether this patterned spontaneous activity is “permissive” or “instructive” in guiding brain development. Why has this fundamental question been so hard to nail down? Simply put, manipulations that change the spatiotemporal pattern of spontaneous neuronal activity have invariably also altered the activity of individual neurons (their overall spike rate or burst frequency, etc.). This completely confounds changes in interneuronal activity patterns with changes in single neuron activity levels. As a result this fundamental question, which permeates across a broad area of developmental neurobiology, remains unanswered. We demonstrated here that patterns of spontaneous neuronal activity instruct neural circuit development. We accomplished this with a novel line of transgenic mice (β2(TG)) in which we manipulated the expression of acetylcholine receptors responsible for the propagation of spontaneous waves in the inner retina.