In contrast, β-secretase processing of APP was concomitantly incr

In contrast, β-secretase processing of APP was concomitantly increased in ADAM10 prodomain mutant transgenic mice compared to in ADAM10-WT mice. ADAM10-DN transgenic mice exhibited even greater decreases and increases of α-secretase and β-secretase processing of APP, respectively, than did transgenic

mice expressing either ADAM10-Q170H or ADAM10-R181G, indicating that the prodomain mutations attenuated, but did not eliminate, α-secretase Epigenetic inhibitor activity. Next, the team investigated whether expression of the LOAD ADAM10 prodomain mutations could cause elevated cerebral amyloid deposition. For these experiments, they crossed the ADAM10-Q170H transgenic line, which had the highest APP-CTFβ level, with Tg2576 mice and aged the bigenic mice to 3, 12, and 20 months. Importantly, both endogenous soluble and Tg2576 transgenic soluble and insoluble Aβ40 and Aβ42 levels were dramatically higher in the brains of ADAM10-Q170H/Tg2576 bigenic mice than in those of the ADAM10-WT/Tg2576 mice, especially by 12 months of age. At 20 months of age, both amyloid plaque count and covered area were significantly increased in the brains of ADAM10-Q170H/Tg2576 mice relative to ADAM10-WT/Tg2576 see more mice. Interestingly, 20 month-old ADAM10-WT/Tg2576 mice were nearly devoid of amyloid plaques, whereas age-matched ADAM10-DN/Tg2576 mice displayed an enormous plaque

burden that was much greater than that in Tg2576 monogenic mice. These latter observations

provide proof of concept that increased α-secretase activity should be an efficacious therapeutic MycoClean Mycoplasma Removal Kit strategy for lowering cerebral Aβ accumulation in AD. In addition, aged ADAM10-Q170H/Tg2576 mice exhibited greater levels of microgliosis and astrogliosis than did ADAM10-WT/Tg2576 bigenic mice. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the ADAM10 prodomain mutations promote cerebral amyloid pathology via attenuated α-secretase processing of APP, thus providing a mechanism for the genetic association between LOAD and the ADAM10 Q170H and R181G mutations. Because previous studies suggested that sAPPα and ADAM10 play roles in neurogenesis, Tanzi and colleagues next investigated whether the ADAM10 prodomain mutations affect neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus. Interestingly, they found that proliferation of dentate gyrus neural precursor cells (NPCs) was significantly greater in 4-month-old ADAM10-WT transgenic mice than in nontransgenic mice. In contrast, NPC proliferation in ADAM10-Q170H, ADAM10-R181G, and ADAM10-DN mice was similar to that observed in nontransgenic mice. Importantly, the dentate gyrus in ADAM10-WT transgenic mice also displayed ∼50% more BrdU:NeuN double-positive neurons than did the dentate gyrus in nontransgenic mice, whereas the dentate gyrus in ADAM10-Q170H mice exhibited a smaller neuronal increase.

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