The net effect of D1-receptor - expressing Go cells is to ‘open the gate’ by facilitating recurrent thalamo-cortical information flow, whereas D2-receptor-expressing NoGo cells ‘close the gate’ by blocking thalamo-cortical information flow. By this scheme, a planned motor action represented cortically might trigger the activation of Go cells via a corticostriatal projection, in turn facilitating a projection from thalamus
to the primary motor neurons responsible SAHA HDAC for enacting specific movements. At the same time, alternative action plans would trigger NoGo cells and so would have negligible thalamocortical influence. A variety of recent evidence has offered novel support for this framework. Go and NoGo cells are coactive when animals are motorically active, but not quiescent [7], in particular when action VE-821 sequences are being initiated [8] — all consistent with a role for these cells in gating for action selection as opposed to a more general pro-kinetic vs. anti-kinetic dichotomy between Go and NoGo cells. Further evidence for this framework has recently been provided by optogenetic techniques [9••]. Transgenic mice expressing light-activated ion channels in putative Go and NoGo cells chose between one of
the two ports after the onset of a cue. Light-induced firing of Go cells led to an increase in contralateral movements, whereas light-induced firing of NoGo cells led to an decrease in contralateral movements. The effect of stimulation was greatest when the value of the two potential actions was closely matched (as estimated by a computational model), suggesting stimulation was capable of mimicking a small shift in their relative value. Moreover, this stimulation was effective only when delivered simultaneously with the cue, consistent with a particular influence of action value during action selection. As discussed below, these BG-mediated
gating mechanisms Meloxicam may extend beyond the selection of motor actions and into the more abstract domains of working memory [10] (Figure 1b) and cognitive control (Figure 1c); where they can be used to solve analogous problems of selection and updating. Indeed, the known anatomy of parallel motor, frontal, and prefrontal basal ganglia-thalamocortical circuits hints at analogous computation ( Figure 1d) [11]. And, a variety of computational models have demonstrated the feasibility of such an architecture for solving complex working memory control problems 6, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22•• and 23••. However, only recently have animal and human behavioral, neuropsychological, pharmacological, PET and fMRI studies provided direct functional evidence for multiple BG gating dynamics in WM and their importance for higher thought and action. Gating dynamics provide a powerful solution to the input control problem for working memory 6, 10 and 12.