This demonstrates that Wnt-induced cell proliferation requires

This demonstrates that Wnt-induced cell proliferation requires

active LEF signaling. Importantly, we found the enhancement of Wnt-induced proliferation by WT-DISC1 or S704C was also significantly reduced upon coexpression of DN-LEF (Figure 1D). These data suggest that learn more the effects of DISC1 and the variants on Wnt-induced cell proliferation do not occur when downstream Wnt signaling is inhibited. Taken together, these data strongly suggest the A83V, R264Q, and L607F variants cannot stimulate cell division/proliferation compared with WT-DISC1 or the S704C variant. To address one potential molecular mechanism to explain these observations, we hypothesized that since DISC1 binds and inhibits GSK3β, the variants might have altered interaction with GSK3β. We overexpressed the different GFP-tagged DISC1 variants in HEK293 cells that were either stimulated or nonstimulated with Wnt3a. Cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with a GSK3β antibody (to UMI-77 immunoprecipitate endogenous GSK3β) and immunoblotted with GFP. We determined that in the absence of Wnt3a stimulation, the R264Q and L607F variants all significantly reduced binding to GSK3β in this assay (Figure 2A), potentially explaining why these variants have reduced signaling. However, the A83V variant did not show reduced binding to GSK3β (Figure 2B). Interestingly, after Wnt3a stimulation, we found that R264Q, L607F, and the A83V variants had reduced binding to GSK3β (Figure 2B). Together these data

suggest that the A83V, R264Q and L607F variants all have reduced binding to GSK3β, while S704C binds as well as WT-DISC1. In order to test the significance of our in vitro data, we utilized in utero electroporation as an in vivo model to examine whether DISC1 variants regulated

the proliferation of neural progenitor cells. We performed unless in utero electroporation on embryonic day 13 (E13) brains and analyzed brains at E16, a time period when neurogenesis is peaking. We tested the ability of WT-DISC1 or the different DISC1 variants to rescue the decrease in neural progenitor proliferation after DISC1 knockdown, which we previously reported (Mao et al., 2009). We cotransfected neural progenitor cells with Venus-GFP to visualize cells and plasmids expressing control or DISC1 shRNA, together with WT-DISC1 or the different DISC1 variants. To measure proliferation of neural stem cells, we performed a 24 hr pulse label of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) at E15. Here, we found that expression of human WT-DISC1 was able to rescue the DISC1 shRNA-mediated decrease in the number of GFP/BrdU double-positive cells, indicating that WT-DISC1 can rescue the neural progenitor proliferation defect caused by DISC1 downregulation (Figure 3A). When comparing the different DISC1 variants against WT-DISC1, we found that the A83V, R264Q, and L607F variants could not rescue the number of double-positive GFP/BrdU cells similar to WT-DISC1, suggesting these variants are loss of function when compared with WT-DISC1 (Figure 3A).

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