Three different

Three different energy band FK228 alignment structures were obtained due to the effect of PDA ambient. It is noticed that the conduction band edge of IL is higher than that of

Y2O3 for the sample annealed in O2 ambient, but it is lower in samples annealed in Ar, FG, and N2 ambient. This band alignment shift would influence the leakage current density-electrical field (J-E) characteristics of the samples (Figure 6). The dielectric breakdown field (E B) is defined as the electric field that causes a leakage current density of 10−6 A/cm2, which is not related to a selleck inhibitor permanent oxide breakdown but representing a safe value for device operation [39]. Of all the investigated samples, the sample annealed in O2 ambient demonstrates the lowest J and the highest E B (approximately 6.6 MV/cm) at J of 10−6 A/cm2. This might be attributed to the attainment of the largest E g(Y2O3) and E g(IL) as well as the highest values of ΔE c(Y2O3/GaN) and ΔE c(IL/GaN), while for other samples, a deterioration in J and E B is perceived. The reduction is

ranked as Ar > FG > N2. Figure 5 Schematic diagram showing the energy band alignment of the Y 2 O 3 /IL/GaN system. Energy band alignment of the Y2O3/IL/GaN system for the sample annealed in (a) oxygen, (b) argon and forming gas, and (c) nitrogen ambient. Figure 6 Comparison of J – E characteristics of Al/Y 2 O 3 /IL/GaN-based MOS capacitors. Cediranib (AZD2171) In order to determine whether the AZD3965 price E B of the investigated samples is either dominated by the breakdown of IL, Y2O3, or a combination of both Y2O3 and IL, Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling model is employed to the extract barrier height (ΦB) of Y2O3 on GaN. FN tunneling mechanism is defined as tunneling of the injected charged carrier into the conduction band of the Y2O3 gate oxide

via passing through a triangular energy barrier [7, 8, 30]. This mechanism can be expressed as J FN = AE 2exp(−B/E), where A = q 3 m o/8(hmΦB, B = 4(2 m)1/2 ΦB 3/2/(3qh/2), q is the electronic charge, m is the effective electron mass in the Y2O3 (m = 0.1m o, where m o is the free electron mass), and h is Planck’s constant [8, 40]. In order to fit the obtained experimental data with the FN tunneling model, linear curve fitting method has been normally utilized [8, 20, 41]. Nevertheless, data transformation is needed in this method owing to the limited models that can be presented in linear forms. Hence, nonlinear curve fitting method is employed using Datafit version 9.0.59 to fit the acquired J-E results in this work with the FN tunneling model. It is believed that the extracted results using nonlinear curve fitting method is more accurate due to the utilization of actual data and the minimization of data transformation steps required in the linear curve fitting [42, 43].

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